Here are some of my clients' and students' stories of how they embarked on their inner growth journey. I hope you are as inspired by their transformation as much as I am. Please know that we all have our own unique paths in life, but one thing we all seek is happiness—unconditional happiness.

Inspirational Stories

Q. What were the main limiting beliefs you faced before working with Nova?

That I needed money to live my happy life now. I was unhappy without having a man in my life. I had to sacrifice my dreams in order to ensure my family are safe and happy.

Q. How has it impacted your relationships, health or work?

I was very successful in my career, I climbed the corporate ladder, travelled many places and got a lot of accolades and financial gain. However I was not following my heart and actually doing what I really wanted to do, because my career provided for my family, as well as I preferred the security in a 9-5 job.

Over time, I became restless and dissatisfied with my job and personal life. Because I had years of ignoring my true desires and my true inner voice, I became numb to my emotions, and I would go through extremes of not feeling anything to explode with the littlest of triggers, at work, at home, with friends and families.

I could not understand how to fix myself, although I tried many forms of therapy, counselling, courses, programs. I spent a lot of time of finding ways to manage my stress, depression, weight issues, low self esteem and many other problems I had. Often on a Saturday I would sleep all day from depression and burn out, from working a stressful Monday-Friday. Saturday’s I would binge junk food, feel guilty for not eating clean, and often cry, and then zone out on Netflix. I would typically spend all day in my pjs on Sat. During Monday-Friday, it was show time, and I needed to perform at work, a lot of people were counting on me. I did not allow for any emotions during the weekdays, I pushed them all down. It was easy to do, because work was so busy and demanding, so almost always working on adrenaline. I also liked the thrill of pushing. Saturday was the only day I allowed myself to feel anything. Saturday’s became more and more depressing as time went by, because I realised I was getting older, however not getting closer to my dreams.

On Sunday, I would normally go to church for a ‘pick me up’ and come back to society, ready for Monday again.

Q. How did Nova help you resolve these challenges?

Well Nova used humour and insight to make me face my problems instead of hiding them. I was a master of hiding my problems, had been doing it for decades… hahahah but somehow she was able to see right through all my tricks!

Anyway, she helped me get to the root of the problem, without too much fuss, or too much time and transform them pretty quickly!

Life and Purpose Goals: For the first time, I am actually living the life that I want, instead of what I think I should live according to others, especially my family. This is true freedom, doing what I want, when I want and with who. I am still a fun loving person, but I am not in conflict with myself. This was a big thing that I was living with.

I am now living in London with my husband living my dream life. Before meeting Nova, I believed that I needed to be financially free before I could get married. Before meeting Nova, I had a string of relationships where I was not committing because I was waiting until I was financially free. I was waiting and working towards financial freedom for 41 years! Hahahahahah Nova helped me realise that I made this rule and it might have meant that I would not get married and have a family (one of my birthrights) until I am 65 (If it took me that long to be financially free and retire) hahahahahahaha No wonder why I was depressed and looking for an answer and a quick resolution.

Q. Would you recommend Nova to others? If yes, why?

Absolutely! Read my story again!

To Sum Up, I am living my dream life.

- Mandy F.

"On Sundays, I would normally go to church for a ‘pick me up’ and come back to society, ready for Monday again. "

Mandy's story and her transformation in finding true happiness and freedom

With Nova's guidance and coaching, I have experienced so much transformations. On a personal level, I've now learned to acknowledge and understand my own feelings, soothing and releasing them using the techniques Nova has taught. I used to hold a limiting belief that I was constantly sick, just by clearing this belief, my thyroid condition has healed!

Relationship with my partner - since getting coached by Nova, my connection with my partner has become closer. In the past, I used to hide uncomfortable feelings and expected my partner to sense my unhappiness. Now, I communicate my feelings openly, leading to improved and more intimate communication in our relationship.

Parent-child relationship - which is the relationship I care about the most and it was what brought me to Nova and her teaching. With my old belief patterns, I have made many mistakes in parenting. Nova's guidance has had a profound impact and brought about unexpected changes to me therefore helped me (and my husband) in becoming better parents to our children. Although this is a continuous journey, I can see so many improvements in our relationship with our children. They are happier and more confident, most importantly they now feel it's ok to express their true feelings with us too.

Thank you Nova! I would recommend Nova to anyone who wants to become a better version of themselves, Nova is the person you're looking for!

- Daisy X.

Q. Nova帮你消除了哪些限制性信念呢?这些信念如何影响了你的身心灵呢?

跟Nova 讨教灵修问题,让我拥有很大的安全感。我觉得我任何纠结的问题都能得到答案,灵魂得到一定的治愈。我与另一半的沟通交流不再有任何的阻碍。Nova也帮我治愈了一个很大的限制性信念,“老是怀疑自己有病” 。

Q. Nova 是如何帮你消除这些阻力呢?


Q. Nova 辅导后,生活有何改变?




Q. 你会推荐Nova导师给他人吗?为什么呢?


- Daisy X.

"With my old belief patterns, I have made many mistakes in parenting... "

Daisy's story on how it has helped her and her husband become better role models to their children, on relationship and being ok to express feelings.

Q. What were the main limiting beliefs you faced before working with Nova? How has it impacted your relationships, health or work?

I've known Nova for a long time, we used to work together a long time ago. Nova's mind was always thinking outside the box. She was always into transformation and taking life very differently to most of us. I always got inspired by her. I just love her spirit and how she views life in general.

During Pandemic we kind of fell apart and I started doing my bit and she started the whole transformation.

When I contacted her after the pandemic episode I was amazed by Nova and I was like I want to have bit of her mind in me.

I did do many readings and looked into my mental health before approaching Nova.

I thought I can fix myself and I thought I am doing just fine alone.

Q. How did Nova help you resolve these challenges?

And one day I had chat with Nova and she made me clear my head with many things. Especially being able to be in any situation and not be emotionally involved which can lower your energy level. You can be and talk to people and still feel peace within.

She cleared my head about my current job, I thought I was going to retire with 9-5 job which I was earning good money but from inside I wasn’t feeling my very best. I already started asking many questions and I didn’t seem to find the answers about life but Nova answered and made things so much clear.

Q. How has life changed since working with Nova? (Happiness level, stress levels, health level, relationships with others, life purpose and goals)

Nova helped me heal my inner child, I am still working on myself but I have finally settled down my within child and I can send her the love and I can connect with her whenever I think she needs me. I have found self love, I thought I had it before but never felt this much love within me.

Nova helped me feel the abundance LOVE, MONEY and HEALTH.

Q. Would you recommend Nova to others? If yes, why?

So what else do you need. I am sure happy and content. I know Nova can transform anyone. So don’t waste any minute thinking whether you should or shouldn’t, just give it a go. For once and finally you are investing some money on yourself and I feel like you deserve to be free and peace in your mind. So book Nova's awareness coaching right now!!!!”

- Afsana R.

"I thought I was going to retire with 9-5 job which I was earning good money but from inside I wasn’t feeling my very best."

Afsana's story on connecting with her inner child and finding true self love within her.

Q. What were the main limiting beliefs you faced before working with Nova? How has it impacted your relationships, health or work?

I previously had a lot of trouble relating/communicating with my partner and my mum (even after working on a few things myself previously). Through my learnings with Nova, I was able to recognise the unconscious behaviours and subconscious beliefs translated into feelings of being 'stuck'. These feelings of 'being stuck' impacted other aspects of my life, finances, work, being a parent, a good family member etc.

Learning the methods/tools mentally in Nova's Abundance Group Coaching program is one aspect, but being able to truely experience and apply them with guidance really opened up a whole new send of "empowerment" for me that I am forever grateful.

Q. Why do you think we need coaching for mindset work?

Yes! I ventured on the mindset path myself since 2015, and have since discovered this is the long way. I've read lots of books on self discovery, was a mindset junkie on what ever freely available mediums I could find. Did a number of other programs and courses as well. I gained great understanding of some of the theories, applied some of the techniques, tools, mediate & practice yoga regularly since then. I got the important foundations, theory, knowledge and tools, but when it comes to applying these tools/techniques, I knew that it will take me a long time to absorb, apply and experience on my own as I didn't want to make too many mistakes. We all know that to be successful, Mindset is a massive component, so this was big part for me.

We're all exposed to massive amount of mindset information/programs/tools/techniques and there's a lot out there to navigate through. My experience with the Abundance Group Coaching Program has been in essence 'mind blowing'.

Q. How has life changed since working with Nova? (Happiness level, stress levels, health level, relationships with others, life purpose and goals)

In many ways I am more confident now that my financial goals will be easily achieved because I'm doing this inner work. I'm able to better know when I'm stuck and how to get myself unstuck more easily. Realising being stuck is the first step, getting myself Unstuck is the giant leap - which is a huge advantage.

Q. Would you recommend Nova to others?

Honestly, this coaching is priceless, it is way more valuable than the monetary investment I've made in other programs. I've gained concrete foundations to using these techniques/tools myself and continue to empower myself. Its empowered me to know how my "Life" operates and how I can make it operate the way I really want it to operate, instead of going through life with struggles and 'hard-work'.

- Hien

"These feelings of 'being stuck' impacted other aspects of my life, finances, work, being a parent, a good family member etc."

Hien's story on feeling empowered to choose how her life operates.

Q. What were the main limiting beliefs you faced before working with Nova? How has it impacted your relationships, health or work?

Nova pulled me up from rock bottom of my life, where I was in deep stress, anxieties, childhood trauma and unaware of it all. It was life changing transformational, shattered my old limiting belief patterns and led me to the path of expansive consciousness.

The experience was way beyond words can describe, I quantum jumped from my old karmic relationship with close family members. People have been telling me those shifts took them years, but with Nova's coaching I was able to shed off old beliefs on the go. Once those negative emotions and blockages are cleared the healthy issues such as headache, backache etc all healed naturally. I’m working my passion and living in abundance now.

Q. How did Nova help you resolve these challenges?

I can only use quantum jump to describe how quick the transformation is. Nova’s words are full of wisdom and energy, she can be very gentle and loving with inner child rescue work, yet at the same time spot-on and directly address the core problem.

Q. How has life changed since working with Nova? (Happiness level, stress levels, health level, relationships with others, life purpose and goals)

The life I had before working with Nova is literally my past life. I’m a healer myself now, I am a sound healer, reiki and Pellowah healer, QHHT hypnotist practitioner and Akashic reading practitioner. I’m passionate about what I do now I’ve found my soul purpose.

Q. Would you recommend Nova to others? If yes, why?

Are you kidding me? BIG YES! Talk to Nova and you won’t regret it.

- Jennifer L.

"... from rock bottom of my life, where I was in deep stress, anxieties, childhood trauma and unaware of it all..."

Jennifer's story in discovering her soul's purpose after hitting rock bottom with stress and anxieties.

Q. What were the main limiting beliefs you faced before working with Nova? How has it impacted your relationships, health or work?

The main limiting belief I was going through was that I needed to fit into standard of attributes, and measure myself in order to feel enough.

Q. How did Nova help you resolve these challenges?

With Nova's coaching and unique techniques, it has helped me let go of that belief easily and live freely without any need of anxiety and depression within just one zoom call! She has uplifted me of my burden of being pressured by my own beliefs and I am grateful for her.

Q. How has life changed since working with Nova?

It has changed my outlook on people and especially myself to the point it has brightened my experience every time I interact with people.

The pressures of working hard has been uplifted where I can just ease in my workplace without the pressures of ideal workload I put onto myself.

Q. Would you recommend Nova to others? If yes, why?

Nova solved all these issues for me just over one zoom call, I would highly recommend you to experience Nova's work, because she solves internal problems that I could not have dealt with myself. I believe her work will 100% work for you just like how it has worked for me!

- Steven S.

"... it has helped me let go of that belief easily and live freely without any need of anxiety and depression"

Steven's story from anxiety and depression to finding joy in connecting with people again.

Q. What were the main limiting beliefs you faced before working with Nova?

Before meeting Nova, I didn’t even know the meaning of the word limiting belief(s). I had been introduced to the concept of “mindset” by a colleague at work, Hugo. At this time my focus was on investing to make money. In most of my conversations with him, I was ignoring this crucial ingredient, “abundant mindset”. So eventually I started reading and researching about mindset. This was me trying to learn things on my own without realising that I still had a number of subconscious blocks limiting my shift into an abundant mindset. It was only when I met Nova on a Zoom call that I released that I had a limiting belief about money !!

Nova and I share a number of similarities from our childhood and just her sharing these stories brought a big “AHA” moment for me. It is nothing like I had experienced before; a zap of energy causing new felt body sensations. It instantly brought feelings about money from my subconscious. The memory of my father being wealthy but always stressed about money and unhappy with his life. This made me realise that I have limiting beliefs about money i.e., if I got rich then I would also live an unhappy life. Crazy right?

After working with Nova, I uncovered a number of limiting beliefs. Some of the limiting beliefs were:

  1. Being rich meant, being unhappy, stressed, unhealthy, lonely and dying young.

  2. No pain! No gain! Wrong! This applied to my work, health and abundance.

  3. That being stressful is a normal part of life! Just take a “Chill Pill” (drinking lots of Kava - a type of depressant drink).

  4. It's logical to plan the next 3 years of my life to deal with stress and delay my happiness.

  5. It's normal to have resentment and blame others for all the negativity in your life.

Q. How has it impacted your relationships, health or work?

With the limiting beliefs hidden in my subconscious, I was constantly putting myself in stressful situations and anger towards everyone around me. This caused some major negativity towards my immediate and extended family members. I sometimes felt depressed and anxious without even realising that I was in a loop. I was using Kava (a type of depressant drink) and television to suppress my feelings. I didn’t want to spend time with my family and friends. Making me into an introvert without even knowing.

I was also disconnected from my body, I also continuously getting injured during fitness training sessions and always felt tired afterwards. I had lost interest in work. Being worried about money and failing in my investment strategies. I was using suppression and avoidance techniques instead of working on my inner issues. So these problems kept reappearing in my life.

It was only through Nova’s teachings that I understood that acceptance and taking the learnings from these situations in our lives allowed us to break the karmic cycle.

Q. How did Nova help you resolve these challenges?

Once I began working on my limiting beliefs with Nova, all things in my reality were changing i.e. my work, health, relationships and more!

Managing an IT department during these challenging times of working from home and not to mention all the security concerns were causing a lot of sleepless nights. Every week some new company would get hacked putting a lot of pressure on my own work environment. This started to affect my mental and physical health. After clearing my limiting beliefs using Nova’s techniques, I was able to deal with everyday stress or issues that arose at work. Also, changed my perspective on my colleagues giving me a much happier working environment.

I was able to improve my physical health without going all crazy with my workouts and sleeping in my gym gear. With my new beliefs, I was able to listen to my body and avoid all the unnecessary injuries I have had over the years. I was able to let go of having a particular body image and just focus on my physical and mental health.

The funny thing after working on my limiting beliefs I am more healthier than I have been in years and losing body fat effortlessly. After shining the light on my inner-self and building more empowering beliefs my relationship with my family improved within days. I am a more loving, caring and understanding individual with everyone around me. I have a much higher feeling of appreciation and gratitude for life!

Q. How has life changed since working with Nova?

I have taken back charge of my life! I am able to tap into my subconscious and work on the limiting beliefs holding me back for so many years. Make major life-empowering decisions instead of procrastinating. Having the realisation that you are stuck in negativity and how to move forward (we call it the "stinky tofu" moments).

Nova has also awoken me spiritually to connect with GOD the Almighty in a way that I had never felt so connected to the universal oneness. This has given me peace and unconditional happiness “now “, instead of dreaming to attain this in the distant future.

Q. Would you recommend Nova to others? If yes, why?

Absolutely… 100%! Working with Nova has been the best decision of my life. This is a unique investment in yourself with returns that cannot be measured. If you want a quick transformation shining a beam of light into your life, then I suggest you make it a priority in your life to experience this with “Nova” (a star showing a sudden large increase in brightness)

- Mo A.

"... With the limiting beliefs hidden in my subconscious, I was constantly putting myself in stressful situations and anger towards everyone around me... I sometimes felt depressed and anxious without even realising that I was in a loop. "

Mo's journey, from anger, relying on depressants, lack of energy, stress, and negativity, to taking control of life!